My Story
My Story
I’m Patience
Inventor. Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Entrepreneur. Foodie. Change Project Manager.
I am the founder of Chíbu®! What is that I hear you ask? Great question!
Have you ever had to transport anything awkward like a cake on public transport? Trust me, it is the stuff of nightmares.
Manoeuvring through the traffic of people, up and down stairs – all whilst playing a dangerous game of balancing and trying not to drop it. Let me take you on a little journey.
The year is 2015, it was my birthday and where there is a birthday; there is surely a cake. Red Velvet cake in this instance, a 10inch beauty I had ordered which was delivered in a standard cake box. Like the good colleague I am, I wanted to take it into the office and share with my team. Public transport can be taxing at best and in London, it is a whole different ballgame. Struggling through the ticket barriers on the Underground, swiping my Oyster card, avoiding the rush hour commuters and uttering apologies - whilst trying not to drop the cake – I successfully made it onto the train. The train was packed and with my precious cargo, I became THAT commuter. We all know the one – who takes up more space than they should! Avoiding the throng of people getting off at my stop, the escalators was a sight for sore eyes. I was thankful for them as I felt I had just been through an obstacle course! Surely it should NOT be this hard or Stressful, I thought to myself. With that thought, Chíbu® was born! My love of cakes, my knack for problem solving and my desire for convenience with style all became the exact recipe for something great.
Fun facts about me? I consider myself a chef in the making, who loves to bring joy to people and cherishes my family. I am the first of 7 children and my siblings are the first to try some of my best recipes.
Did I mention that I love entertaining people and absolutely love travelling? Discovering cities and other cultures is a wonderful pastime I indulge in. I get excited as a child when it is time for me to travel – I have explored Florence, Rome, Naples, Paris, Zurich, Vilnius, Cyprus, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Doha, Bahrain, Hyderabad, Dubai, Jo’Burg and Hammamet to name a few. What else do I love? Fashion! In all its glory. You will most definitely find me shopping for anything elegant.