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My Social Media Was Hacked! Here’s What I Learned

Patience Nwodu

Imagine waking up one morning, grabbing your phone, and realizing you’re locked out of your social media account. Your profile picture is changed, messages are being sent from your account—but it’s not you. Panic sets in.

This happened to me.

A few months ago, my social media account was hacked. In just a few hours, I lost control of it all. Scammers were pretending to be me, messaging my followers, and posting things I would never say.

I felt helpless, embarrassed, and frustrated—how could this happen to me? As a business owner, I use social media to connect with customers, share updates, and promote my work. Losing control of it was not just inconvenient; it was damaging to my brand and reputation.

It took days of back-and-forth with customer support, password resets, and verifying my identity to finally regain access.

The worst part? It could have been completely prevented with a few simple security steps.

What I Learned & How You Can Protect Yourself

🔒 Use Strong Passwords & a Password Manager – I thought my password was strong enough. It wasn’t. Now, I use a password manager, and I’ll never go back.

🔐 Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – If I had set this up earlier, the hackers wouldn’t have been able to log in.

📩 Beware of Phishing Emails & Suspicious Links – I later found out I had clicked on a fake link that was supposedly sent by one of my followers making inquiries. Always double-check links before clicking!

📡 Secure Your Wi-Fi & Business Devices – If you run a business, make sure your network is protected and regularly updated.

👥 Limit Access to Your Accounts – If you have a team, ensure only the right people have access to your social media and other sensitive platforms.

Take Action Before It’s Too Late

Cyber threats are real, and they don’t just target big companies. If it happened to me, it can happen to you. Don’t wait until you’re locked out and scrambling for help—secure your accounts now.

Have you checked your security settings today? Don’t wait until it’s too late—start protecting yourself now! Need help? Follow @CyberShieldTipsWithPat on TikTok and Instagram for online tips on staying safe.

Let’s stay cyber-secure together!

Stay safe,
Chíbu London

Some good news! We got an award!

Patience Nwodu

Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network (GlobalWIIN) and Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN) awarded me the 2020 ‘GOLD IPAN Award’ for the creation of Chíbu Reusable Carriers. I was selected out of almost 30 candidates, with a unanimous decision among 9 Judges, from 3 Continents. Read more >>

The Special Award for Intellectual Property was awarded to me, as I had not only registered the Chíbu trademark, but also patented the unique carrier design.

If you too have an invention or unique business idea, I strongly encourage you to protect your work as I have through the IP system, it could save you, your family, and your employees a lot of heartache.

I am so grateful to have received this award from GWIIN. It has been a long and challenging
journey and to be recognised is truly an icing on the yummy cake. It’s always good when we push and strive for the best with our passion/business.

Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. The future is looking bright and I am excited to share it with you all.

Have a wonderful New Year and God Bless you greatly.

Best Wishes
